Dr. Kara Dionisio

Naturopathic Doctor

Professional Bio

Dr. Kara Dionisio, B.Sc, M.Sc, ND, NCMP is a sparkly✨ evidence-based-naturopathic doctor in Owen Sound, Ontario.

With particular street cred in hormones, period problems, vaginal issues, menopause, and hormone therapy, she helps women understand their health through the menopause transition and beyond.

Dr. Kara Dionisio ND, received her undergraduate degree with honours in Nutrition and Nutraceutical Science from the University of Guelph, where she was awarded the Brian Walker Memorial Scholarship for highest academic achievement in nutritional sciences.

She graduated with distinction at the top of her program with a Master of Science in Human Nutrition and Metabolism from the University of Aberdeen and the renowned Rowett Research Institute in the beautiful Aberdeen, Scotland. Her Masters thesis researched the effects of omega-3 fatty acids on endothelial function.

In 2008, Kara completed another four years of graduate study at the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine (CCNM) in Toronto, where she now teaches the menopause cirriculum to the next generation of Naturopathic Doctors

Dr. Kara is a leader in the field of menopause practice and regularly is invited to speak to Naturopathic Doctors across North America. She is a faculty member of the Confident Clinician, where she regularly lectures and leads the Menopause Fellowship program comprised of NDs from across North America.

She has been a Menopause Society Certified Practitioner (MSCP, formerly NCMP) since 2020, one of the first Naturopathic Doctors with this designation, and the inspiration for many more after her. She also holds Level 1 training in Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy.

Kara is registered in good standing with Therapeutics and Prescribing Authority through the College of Naturopaths of Ontario (CONO), and is an active member of the Ontario Association of Naturopathic Doctors (OAND), and the Canadian Association of Naturopathic Doctors (CAND).

Kara lives in Owen Sound with her two kiddies, a Red Bearded Irish Dude, and her very Beagly Beagle.

My HealthCARE Philosophy

  • Evidence Based Medicine

    As an evidence-based practitioner, I use the current best evidence from clinical research studies in conjunction with almost 15 years of clinical experience to guide my clinical decisions. I help counsel my patients on all the therapies including nutrition, lifestyle, supplements, hormones and medications, and help them select the most appropriate options for them, based on their goals and values, to create a strategy that is right for their health.

  • Shared Decision Making

    “Shared decision-making” (SDM) is a concept of care in which clinicians and patients work TOGETHER to make decisions and select treatment and care plans based on clinical evidence AND the patient’s preferences and values.

    This is how I’ve always approached healthcare, it now just has a name ;)

  • The Art of Human HealthCARE

    “The art of medicine has its roots in the heart” - Paracelcus

    Healthcare is about Humans. And the best part of my job is forming meaningful and trustworthy doctor-patient (human-human) relationships with my patients

    Health is a team sport. When we can all work together, me, you, and any other health professionals on your medical team (e.g. family doctor, specialists, allied health professionals) we can collaborate with one goal in mind, YOU!

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Clinical Qualifications


Professional Educating & Leadership

  • Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine- Kara is excited to be asked to lecture the Menopause Curriculum to Naturopathic Students at CCNM

  • Genitourinary Syndrome of Menopause- Kara regularly teaches NDs at provincial and national Continuing Education events on this topic

  • Advanced Practice Menopausal Hormone Therapy- Kara has trained hundreds of NDs with evidence-based research on hormone therapy

  • The Confident Clinician Menopause Fellowship- We are in our 2nd year of offering the Menopause Fellowship program, a 1-year Clinical Menopause Mastermind group

  • Professional Speaking- Kara regularly appears on podcasts, interviews, and conferences discussing all aspects of menopause and menopause practice


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